The Fitness Index

Since I have countless fitness-related tutorials and articles, I created this index page to have them organized all in one place. If you’re not sure where to start, check out the “Best of Antranik” tab that is automatically loaded already below. That’s a curated list of my most popular blog posts that I am also extremely fond and proud of as well.

If you know what you’re looking for, use the search form below!

Best of AntranikStrength Training RoutinesTraining TutorialsCompendiumsFlexibility-RoutinesYoga & Posture TutorialsTraining LogsWorkouts @ Muscle BeachInjury / RecoveryDeep ThoughtsPrevious ChallengesBicyclingHealthOther Movement Related Posts

Welcome to the BEST-OF tab! This list below is full of my most awesome creations!

Best Compendiums

Best Bodyweight Training Tutorials

Best Flexibility Routines

Best Flexibility Tutorials

Best Injury / Recovery Posts

Best Self Massage Tutorials

Best of My Deep Thoughts

Best Bicycling Posts

Free Bodyweight Training Routines

Premium Bodyweight Training Routines

The following routines are much more in-depth and thorough than the free ones above. Countless hours of work have been poured into creating each and everyone and they are updated regularly:

Training Tutorials

Equipment Setup


One of my forte’s is being able to organize large swaths of information. The following are mega compilations of information that were otherwise unorganized and hard to parse.

Free Flexibility Routines

Premium Flexibility Routine

If you have poor hip flexibility, tight hamstrings, shoulders and just want a simple program that will help you to get looser in a gentle, non-painful manner, here it is!

Yoga and Posture Tutorials

“Saying you’re not flexible enough for yoga
is like saying you’re too dirty to take a shower.”

Bicycling Related Posts

“Adjust your mode of transportation by the scale you want to experience the world at”