GymnasticBodies Project

The GymnasticBodies Instagram account contains over 7000 posts of bodyweight exercises, gymnastics strength training and flexibility/mobility work. But the problem is all this information is unorganized and can only be viewed in chronological order. And as you know, I have a knack for organizing large swaths of information and I was feeling the need to satisfy an inner craving to do something like this again, as I had done with the Mobility Project, Floreio Project, Hamstring Flexibility Guides, Comprehensive Handstand Tutorial, and so forth.
So who better than me that has a blog, dual monitors, a 90wpm typing speed, a keen understanding of (and love for) bodyweight training, in combination with a deep understanding of the human body, to organize all this information? You know who! Anyway, without further ado, I present to you the most organized list of calisthenic-focused exercises you could find on one page!
Note: I didn’t list any uninteresting photos, or redundant posts, or any boring “basics” we’ve seen a billion times. A post made the cut only if the demonstration was clean and the exercise is effective and not superfluous in my opinion. Because of this, most of the content didn’t make the cut, but the ones that did, are pretty great. Almost all of the posts are reposts from other accounts, so you may get into multiple rabbit holes of other peoples content if you search further as well.
Want More? Check out my other compendiums!
- The Most Comprehensive Handstand Tutorial
- How to make ANY Bodyweight exercise more or less difficult
- The GymnasticBodies Project: Complete organization of GB’s content.
- The Floreio Project: Complete organization of Ido Portal’s content.
- The Floreio Project: Combining Floreio Movements: Stringing floreio movements together
- The Mobility Project: Organizing mobility-related content of many experts.
- Hamstring Flexibility Guides: Four guides from beginners to advanced
- MobilityWOD videos organized by muscle, body part and exercise
- The best damn Acro-Yoga videos for beginners