In this day and age most people are working from home and struggling to find the balance between stagnation and moving to stay fit. This program was developed solely to help you establish that balance so you could feel good in your body despite being at home or unable to go to the gym.
Watch this short video that explains the program
Who is this for?
Many people get overwhelmed by all the information out there on what to do or unsure of how to do it at home and my goal was to take out all the guess work (like I’ve done with my other flexibility programs) so you don’t have to overthink about what to do to stay flexible and strong. If you prefer to workout at home or at your local park instead of the gym, then this is the ticket for you! This is great for anyone from rank beginners to intermediate trainees.
What is in the program?
The program includes 10 follow-along videos that are meant to only take 10-20 minutes of your time so you could efficiently take a break from sitting and work on your strength or flexibility in a time efficient manner. Whenever you want to take a break, simply choose one of the videos and start moving without having to overthink what to do!
What equipment do I need?
None! Most of the exercises don’t require any equipment! There are so many great ways to train your body in an effective manner without needing anything. My forte is in bodyweight exercises with minimal equipment and this program fully shares that knowledge. A couple of the videos require a pull-up bar to get some pulling work in. And if you have a pair of dumbbells, I have included ways you can utilize those as well.
Progression is the name of the game to get stronger! đź’Ş
A huge issue with most bodyweight fitness programs are that they are full of superfluous exercises that are often too easy with no way to make them harder so they focus on you doing high reps. Unfortunately, while that may be good for cardio or endurance, it is not the best way to get stronger or improve your physique because you cannot get stronger by simply doing more of something that is not challenging enough for you. You get stronger by doing exercises that are difficult and that stimulus creates a supercompensation response in your body that makes you stronger. This increased strength results in improved muscle mass which results in a better physique as well. So I did my best within each video to show how to make each exercise more challenging to increase the intensity and keep you adequately challenged.
How often do I have to do it? How much time do I need?
There is a lot of flexibility (no pun intended) in regards to schedule. You could do something from the program daily or if you’re in tune with your body, you could do it on a as-needed basis to maintain your strength or flexibility. You have a lot of freedom to mix & match the videos with whatever y
What’s else is specifically in the program?
There are numerous informative, follow-along videos that focus on strength or flexibility professionally recorded with a beautiful background of the ocean. Most of the strength training videos have a balanced mix of pushing, pulling, core and leg work. The flexibility videos are full-body and meant to be very efficient because they take less than 20 minutes.
Videos include:
- Strength Training Sessions
- Progressive Bodyline Drills
- Workout for Pulling Foundations (If you can’t do pullups)
- Workout for All Levels
- Workout for Intermediates
- Ab Destruction with Unique Crunches
- Pike Compression & Hamstring Flexibility Session
- Flexibility Focused Videos
- Quick & Easy Session to Undo Sitting
- Full Body Flexibility Session
- Ballistic Stretching with Dynamic Kicks
- Posture Corrective Addendum
Benefits and Features of the WFH Program
- Balanced workouts with progression/regression options.
- Strength training includes Pushing, Pulling, Core and Legs that make for balanced workouts.
- Flexible Schedule: Can be done daily or as little as 3x a week.
- Efficient: Most videos only take 8-15 minutes.
- Highly bodyweight focused (requires minimal equipment).
- Includes only the most effective exercises without superfluous or unsafe exercises.
- No very high reps of low intensity, ineffective exercises.
Support is available
- If you have a question or aren’t sure if your form is correct, I encourage you to leave a comment and post a “form-check” video of yourself on the program page. (Comments are enabled.)
- If you use instagram, use #antranikdotorg and I’ll check out your form there.
- If you’re a redditor, feel free to post questions at /r/antranik as well.
Money back guarantee
I guarantee that you will find this program beneficial to your needs. If it doesn’t work for you or you don’t like it for any reason, you could always contact me and ask for your money back within 14 days. No questions asked and no risk to you.
Recap of Work from Home Highlights
- Informative, follow along videos.
- No superfluous routines with high reps.
- Time efficient strength and flexibility work.
- Intelligently laid out for maximum effectiveness in a short amount of time.
- Can be done daily or as needed.
- Perfect for ALL levels
- Requires <10-20 Minutes Per Session
- No Equipment Necessary
- Flexible Schedule Options
- Support Available
- Money Back Guarantee
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