Awesome Moves I Could Work On Once I Achieve The Splits

So the first week of the 90-day splits challenge is over and I’ve spent 5 days out of the 7 doing my splits routine. I was very sore initially and on some days I skipped one or two types of the splits to respect my body.
I even created a facebook support group if anyone is interested in joining (but remember, you lose anonymity, so this is your call.)

My brain has been spending so much time thinking about the splits that I’ve been doing the splits in my dreams at night. And if I’m day dreaming and come up with some inspiration, I jot them down and update them in this list… so these are the things I have come up with so far…
- Trying to bring one foot directly between your hands from downward dog but falling short? The splits will fix that.
- Achieving the splits will allow me to be a better base in AcroYoga because flexibility helps A LOT.
- Half moon 2 pose transitioning into…
- … Sugarcane (can only do left leg)
- Lizard pose (i can only bring one forearm down, want to bring both down)
- Standing splits (aka the 6 o’clock in Ballet)
- Natarajasana-B (Dancers Pose but grabbing foot with both hands)
- One-Legged King Pigeon Pose
- Arabesque from Ballet is really a combination of Half moon 2 and warrior 2! (Very Powerful!) (it would be cool to be able to do this while ice skating)
- Cool transition! Pancake to Cobra / Dynamic Flexion/Extension
- So I could go toes to bar and not just ankles to bar
- So that my L-sit could turn into a V-sit
- Straddle L-sit
- Straddle Press to handstand
- Skin the Cat with Straight Legs (basically I want to be able to bring my legs through the bar with straight legs)
- Cartwheel into the Splits
- This Stalder Front Drill and Stalder Circles to eventually lead to the Front Stalder (requires good pancake compression)
- One Arm Handstand, a strong straddle helps with the balance.
- Endo: So I could start practicing drills for the Endo like Stalder Circles and Stalder Compressions
- High Kick Active Flexibility Test
- 101B Dive (Requires good pike compression)
Other notes:
- On some days I did my splits training in between sets of my L-sit holds. (My L-sits don’t take too much out of me these days, so why not do the splits in between?)
- Play some of your favorite music and hold challenging stretches for the entire song. Headphones help with the full immersion.
- Work on the inflexible side of your backward handclasps or eagle arms while in the front splits.
Reddit Depository
- Welcome to our first ever 90-day splits challenge!
- Week 1 of 12 Progress Thread!