How to Self Massage your Masseter (Jaw) Muscle! Crucial for relieving headaches, TMJ, clenching, and bruxism

A few days ago a user on r/bodyweightfitness asked for help in regards to them clenching their jaw during exercise because it was causing a lot of tension to the rest of their skull. I ended up making a video-answer showing how I release the tension of my masseter (jaw) muscle using self-massage and shared it on /r/fitness and it blew up in popularity as well.
What/Where is the Masseter Muscle?

It’s technically the most important skeletal muscle in your body because if you can’t chew and eat your food properly, you die. (Barring smoothie/ice cream technology, of course!) And because it works so often and hard, it can cause issues as well. You can stretch it by trying to open your mouth as much as possible but self-massaging it is just as important of a tool in my opinion.
Video Demonstration
This self-massage trick is one of those I always incorporate in the middle of a yoga routine or self-massage routine. If you have clenching problems or get a lot of tension headaches or have TMJ disorder, it’s definitely one of those things you could try as well and see if it provides relief. Play your favorite song and just chill your head over the knuckle and dont stop until the song is over so you know you’re doing it for at least 3-5 minutes 🙂 Anyway, I hope it helps you out!