Walking Barefoot

Yeah that’s right, I’m walking barefoot. On the sidewalk.
Keep staring.
Like you haven’t seen feet before.
If you’re like most people, you probably haven’t.
People neglect the shit out of their feet. Scared to touch them cause they’re “gross.” Obviously its going to be gross if you don’t give them any attention. What’s so gross about feet if you keep them clean?

Your bare hands touch way more random shit than your protected feet. (Why do you think there’s hand sanitizer every 10 feet in a hospital?)
If you wash your hands all the time, why wouldn’t you wash your own feet as vigorously? Cause they’re always protected by socks? Cause you walk barefoot only in your own home? They require care and maintenance just like anything else.
For every shower, I attack a pumice stone to my feet. I use my fingers to vigorously scrub the tops of my feet and all around my ankles. Skin against skin, baby.
Fingers: Perfect for getting in between your toes. The fingerprints provide great traction. (Jesus. That must be terrible, to neglect the space between your toes.)
But anyway. I’m not going to get AIDS from walking on the side-walk, so stop looking like I’m a crazy person.
I’m not homeless. In fact, I’m walking barefoot just a few hundred feet from the beach. For some reason it’s totally acceptable to be barefoot on the sand. As if sand isn’t dirty for some reason. But man-made concrete? NO WAY! Dirty stuff.
That’s why you have skin, by the way. To protect you from the elements. And your epidermis normally has 4 layers of skin, but on your palms and the bottom of your feet, there’s a 5th layer for extra protection. That’s why your skin gets so thick there.
So anyway. Your feet. Look at them. LOVE THEM.

Update 2015
Update 2018