Looking back, summarizing and wrapping up 2014

Wow, so 2014 was a jam packed year for sure. Full of many achievements, more than I’ve ever had before. Also, some life-changing decisions that took my life on a different course that most of you don’t know jack about, cause I haven’t talked about it publicly before, so here goes. By the way, this is mostly about my personal life, so if you don’t care, DON’T READ!

Antranik as a Registered Nurse? Not anymore.
So I ramped up my video creation and made the following videos…
I said I would make a video every week… but I couldn’t do it that fast if I wanted the quality to remain high. Looking back, I’m realizing this list is way longer than I thought it would be and I’m pretty glad with the rate at which I produced these videos.
Strength training related
- Five Bodyline Drills
- Floor L-sit Tutorial (300,000+ views!)
- Dragon Flag Tutorial (100,000+ views!)
- How to do Pull Ups if you can’t even do one
- Pistol Squat Tutorial
- Strengthening Muscle Up Transition
- Wall Bridge Rotations Tutorial
- Human Flag Tutorial
- Crow Pose Tutorial
- Scapular Shrugs Tutorial
- Stretch your Shoulders and Upper Back
- Camel Pose Tutorial
- Best Calf Stretch Ever
Other stuff that makes you feel good?
The following were made near the end of 2013… and they were extremely popular so I’m going to list them here as well…
Big Shout out to my co-star, Medax!
My first and only doggie Medax… she turned 10 this year and was in many of my videos just chilling there. I decided to include her more and more in the videos because people like dogs and she would always wanna be with me anyway and it was easier to just have her stay put near me, rather than decide to lick my face as she’s randomly walking by and she sees I’m upside down during the recording and that it’s time for the yogas.
Here’s a clip of her from one the crow pose bloopers…
Notable guides from 2014, all of these were met with great success
It’s not a surprise that these were very popular because apparently people recognize the hours of work put into each one. Shitty, low-effort content doesn’t get much recognition, but something that shows you did your best, does.
- Comprehensive Handstand Tutorial
- The Floreio Project, a collection of Ido Portals work
- Toe-Touching Routine
- Splits Routine
- MobilityWOD videos
Other blog posts from 2014
- I’m a stress/binge-eater. How do I prevent that from happening?
- Advanced L-sit, V-sit, Manna and Straddle L-sit Progressions
- Is Emotional Insecurity Driving Your Workouts?
- Reduce the flow of your faucets to use less water
- The best damn Acro-Yoga videos for beginners
- Learning and Mastering the Crow Pose
- Progressions for the RTO Support Hold
- How to Sit Perfectly in Five Seconds
- Music used to be short and sweet
- Dealing with wrist sprains
- Cat/Cow Tranquility
Care for a… challenge?
I did something new by starting challenges on reddit. It took a lot of work, creating a new check in thread every week and trying to keep it educational or entertaining.
- 90-day Splits Challenge (twice!) on /r/flexibility
- 30-day Toe-Touching Challenge on /r/flexibility
- L-sit Motivational Month on /r/bodyweightfitness
- Handstand Motivational Month on /r/bodyweightfitness
Embracing Reddit
I’ve learned to embrace reddit and make a home there. It just happened naturally. I got sucked into the website and loved it and started to gravitate toward a few subs that I like a lot and helping folks out. It’s pretty cool, and it’s kind of cool how I’m now a mod of /r/yoga, /r/flexibility and also /r/bodyweightfitness because of the countless hours of support I’ve poured into that subreddit. (Yay!)

And to boot… because I posted the foam roller exercise video with GIFs on reddit, it recently got awarded as Most Helpful Post of 2014 and got a month of sweet, sweet, reddit gold! Thanks redditors!
Other cool things that happened this year?
I went to burning man.
I hadn’t been for 3 years due to my dedication toward school, but since I got rejected I said to hell with it! I’m going again! I camped with “Swing City” that recreated the Santa Monica traveling rings. That was extra cool. (When I say “extra cool” what I really mean is that words cannot describe how amazing that week was.) Here are just a couple photos from there… just me doing some acro yoga as a base out on the playa with my brother and girlfriend.
I learned some simple, therapeutic acro yoga moves.
Here’s a glimpse of my brother and I just hanging out at the green…
OH YEA, I started surfing. So that’s cool!
And I suck at it. But… I’m getting better, so.. Let’s leave it at that!
I created my very own, secret garden with still rings…
Because it wasn’t good enough to live within 20 minutes from the Santa Monica muscle beach…
Looking back, I can’t believe I created so many things and did so much. I’m usually pushing myself to get stuff done. When I complete a project… I am content for a couple days and relax, but the creative juices never stop flowing and I often want to work on multiple things at once but it’s really difficult!
In regards to YouTube… with nearly a million aggregate views, and 8000+ subscribers, I’m happy with the growth and the information I’m putting out there. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best I can do and with practice, I am improving. Oh yeah, I also started an Instagram account, so follow me if you’re on it too. My posts there are a lot more personal and kinda done on a whim.
Did I reach my bodyweight fitness goals?
When I wrote this article up about how play and variety is the spice of life, I listed a lot of skills I wanted to work on. I stopped being extremely strict with my strength training regimen and started to create goals to increase my skill repertoire. I was able to reach about half of them, which I am super proud of.
Achieved this year:
- Solved my Wrist Pains (thanks to daily wrist prep and rice bucket training)
- Healed my Tennis Elbow
- Rings Tuck Press to Shoulderstand (video of tucked version in the early days!)
- Pike Press to Rings Shoulderstand
- Rings Front Kip to Support
- Floor Backward roll (but not to handstand, yet!)
- Front lever for a couple seconds (wow! I’m getting closer!)
- Ice cream makers (just 3×3 but still!!!)
- Rings Muscle Ups (can do without fail!)
- Cartwheel (yay!)
- Straight Handstand (5-15sec)
- And the Tuck up into it!
- And the Forward Roll out!
- And a bunch of other things…
- Much more flexibility… a neverending process.
Not Achieved:
- Flyaway on the Traveling Rings (and Flying Rings) (still have the fear)
- Forward Roll to Support (Fwd Felge)
- Dislocates on Still Rings -> Flying Rings
- Inlocates on the Traveling Rings
- Backroll to Support (almost, though!)
- Note how all these things above involve going upside down. It’s scary and confusing!
- Mastering kicking off the poles on the traveling rings
- Kip up to L (bloody thing is way hard!)
- Skin the Cat with Straight Legs (pike flexibility issue)
- Kip / Glide Kip (the timing on this is really hard!)
Overall, I’m a lot more stronger and more flexible. I did deal with injuries, but I got through them and learned about my body (and how to help others) in the process. I’m happy that I got myself a strict muscle up. I should be really happy about that because that was the move that historically caused me a lot of problems. Now I am muscling up without any elbow pain several times in a session without a problem. What a dream!
IRONY, the opposite of wrinkly.
Now interestingly enough, a yoga teacher, or a personal trainer, has MORE power to affect a persons life, than a doctor or nurse that has to restrain their recommendations to be within the scope of their training. A nurse can’t even tell someone to try to eat less to lose weight or to try a certain stretch to relieve tightness unless the doctor gave that order. But a yoga teacher in a yoga class setting can and does. Isn’t that funny? Most doctors are looking at peoples health from a very different scope and they’re very limited on time, so there’s only so much attention they could give to their patient. I call that irony, the opposite of wrinkly. One thing I may pursue in the future though, in terms of “formal” education, would be the world of physical therapy. But again, a physical therapist is going to deal with mostly completely-sedentary people who got messed up and you’re trying to get them back toward their normalcy. But as a yoga teacher or personal trainer, the perspective is so different because people are coming to you who are NOT messed up, but are coming to you because they WANT to remain injury free and get stronger and perform “maintenance” on their body. So anyway, all interesting stuff to me.
What’s in store for 2015?
Holy cow. So many things. I guess you’re just going to have to find out. But here are some hints: expect a lot more yoga-related videos to start coming out. I think flexibility is more important than strength in terms of priority and the general population needs a lot of help with that. My brother says I need to revamp my website. I agree, I do. But god damn, so much work! I’ll get to it.. eventually! Hopefully by the end of 2015, I’d have come out with a bodyweight fitness exercise app. Again, tons of work, but… with baby steps, I can climb any mountain. So yeah. Time to rock on. And play on.