10 Study Tips and Skills That’ll Bring Out the Genius In You
Cultivating good study skills is a very personal process, especially because different kinds of content calls for different techniques. You will have to try a mix of things until you find something that works for you but these tips below will definitely steer you in the proper direction.
1. Review your notes within 12 hours of getting out of class.
2. The importance of finding a place free of distractions.
3. How to avoid falling asleep while starting to read something.
4. How to deal with music while studying.
5. How to memorize like a MACHINE.
6. Get a grip on procrastination.
7. Always have water and some food with you.
8. Get the phone number from at least TWO people in your class.
9. The insane stress of cramming.
That’s it! Now go and study!
Set aside some study time and get to it! Also, PLEASE remember to get your sleep! Your study time won’t be worth much if you’re tired all the time. Even if you feel okay on just 5-6 hours of sleep, you may not realize that you’re operating at just 70% of your full abilities for weeks on end (or worse, the entire year)! Don’t kid yourself, only 1-3% of the population has the gene that allows you to get away with 6 hours of sleep and TRULY be completely recovered. THE REST OF US (97-99%) NEED 7-9 HOURS OF SLEEP TO OPERATE AT 100%.
Anyway, I hope that provided some value to you. If you have any more tips that work for you, please feel free to share it with us below! And be sure to share this with your peers! They will appreciate you post this rather than some mundane BS about some BS. 😀