Science Index
Science Index

Anatomy Series
Imagine you’re going to learn how a car works. First we need to identify what the parts look like, where they go and a little bit about what they’re for. Anatomy is kind of like that. We learn all about the systems, separately, to try to make sense of them. (The bones, skin, muscles, immune system, etc.)
Physiology Series
Now imagine you know what all the parts of the car look like, where they go and have a vague idea of what they’re for. Now it’s time to learn how all these parts actually work! That’s physiology. And often times, many of the systems that you learned in Anatomy separately overlap because they all work together.
Pharmacology Series
Pharmacology is all about how our physiology is altered when we are exposed to chemicals. So it would help to have a good foundation of Anatomy and Physiology at this point.
Hope this helps all you nursing/premed students!
Basic Biology Mini-Series
- Human Genetics: Simple inheritance
- The evolution of the theory of evolution
- The Evolution of Plants
- The Rarity of Fossilization
- The ingenious ways plants disperse their seeds
- The Great Indian Vulture Crisis
- A Powerful Parable on Sustainability
- The Ingenious Way Cats (And Dogs) Drink Water
- The Offbeat Reason Why Cats and Dogs Lay In The Sun and Lick Their Fur
- Why do bare feet feel much colder on wood and tile rather than on carpet?
- How come people from very cold climates can visit LA in the winter and walk around in shirts and shorts?
- 5 Fascinating Things I Learned About The Human Body In Anatomy
- 4 More Fascinating Things I Learned In Anatomy
Microbiology Mini-Series
- What is Microbiology?
- Impact of microbiology on human existence today
- History of Microbiology
- Phylogeny recapitulates ontogeny (Biogenesis)
- The good, the bad and the really ugly sides to microbes
- Culture and Sensitivity Test (C&S; The Clinical Requisition)
- Analyzing a Case History
- Methods of Microbiology
- Stain uses, types and applications
- The Gram Stain Procedure and its Role in the C & S
- Viability Stains
- Culturing Bacteria in the Clinical Lab
- Microbiology Tests