4 More Fascinating Things I Learned In Anatomy Class

I took a human anatomy class a long time ago and it turned out to be one of the coolest classes ever! I started thinking differently about my body in so many ways, partly because of the content but mostly because my professor was one of the most knowledgeable and down to earth human beings ever. I picked up on a few really interesting things that I thought would be cool to share with all of you. Hope you find them as fascinating as I did!
1. Your hair isn’t a muscle, yet it could stand sometimes, how is that possible?
2. Understand how the “Fight or Flight” system affects cops.
3. What’s so interesting about where your collar bone and breast bone meet?
4. The word ‘hypochondriac’ originally used to mean general abdominal pain. But now it is referred to someone who always worries about being ill. Learn how the meaning transformed over the centuries!
Well I hope that was as interesting to you as it was to me the first time I heard about it! If you would like to read more detail on any of these topics, you could try exploring the human anatomy series of posts I had created. If you have any questions, especially if something isn’t clear, please let me know so I could help clarify the article. 🙂