We go over basic electrical concepts and then dive into the physiological basis of this resting cell membrane potential (voltage of a cell in a steady state).
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
Formation, Circulation/Flow of CSF, and the clinical considerations in regards to CSF.
Neurons in the Nervous System
Structure of a nerve, general types of neurons, and functional categories of them.
Review of the Nervous System
We go over what makes up the CNS, the PNS, the meninges, dermatomes and the supporting cells of the CNS and PNS.
Surface Tension and an Ant
An exquisite capture of surface tension from the point of view of an ant.
Piúva Tree in Brazil
A beautiful tree that is exquisite like a purple jacaranda.
The practical guide to casual and stylish looking clipless shoes
A list of casual looking clipless shoes to make commuting a lot less complicated.
The Magic of CicLAvia
CicLAvia turns 10 miles of LA streets into a safe, fun open space for walking, bicycling, skating, jogging and experiencing the city in a whole new way.
Life is a Dance
How do YOU dance with others on this dancefloor called life?
Human Physiology Series
The table of contents to physiology: how the body works.