I figured it out! Here’s my solution if your facebook thumbnails aren’t showing up properly!
‘Machi’ by Peia
Incredibly beautiful music. Incredibly beautiful video.
10 Useful Internet Tricks
How strong is your Google-Fu? (Your ability to find things quickly and easily.)
In Defense of the Smart Phone
Smart phones disconnect us from the people next to us but that doesn’t necessarily mean we’ve become anti-social.
When you feel like you need to eat something, but you can’t figure out what it is, it’s water. It’s always water.
People lose lots of weight by vigorously adhering to this simple approach.
The Three Phases of Movement
There are three phases involved with movement… Concentric Isometric Eccentric 1. The concentric phase is when we are doing an exercise and the muscles we are targeting are contracting and the muscle fibers are shortening.  So for example, when doing a biceps curl, when bringing the hands up, that’s the concentric phase. 2. Now when […]
Eat Right to Minimize Muscle Soreness
Soreness is not a reliable indicator of how hard you worked out. It often means you didn’t eat right after your workout.
Life is the greatest party you will ever attend and you might as well party hard!
Growing up isn’t about getting too serious or giving up what you enjoy. Becoming an adult is about becoming a super-child.
Antranik.org Gets #11 in “Top 100 Health Blogs to Follow in 2013” Infographic
What an honor! I haven’t had anything like this happen before and the author just contacted me to show me.
Hey Asshole! Yea You, The One Driving The Car!
If you were standing around and a car behind you blasts the horn without warning, would you be startled? Yep! Would you shit your pants? Maybe!