Speak Loud and Clear

Listen, if you’re ever going to speak to a group of people in a class, auditorium, or anywhere: PROJECT YOUR VOICE LOUD AND CLEAR.

Don’t talk in a quiet, modest manner. You’re not talking to your best friend next to you. You’re making a presentation to a large group of people.

It’s hard enough conveying your message for people to understand you. Don’t make it hard for them to HEAR you.  Projecting your voice loud and clear is the way to overcome your fears of public speaking as well.  Staying quiet and shy increases anxiety while speaking louder than usual naturally forces you to exude confidence.

This was written after I heard a terrible presentation today by an old man who did not care to clearly enunciate his words.  On top of that he’d ramble on as if he’s talking to three people and make jokes but who can laugh at the jokes when you can’t even hear half the words?