Forget New Year Resolutions, here’s how to REFLECT on the year for MEGA success!
Every year, I get a spike in traffic activity in January and each time, it quickly dwindles as they are likely short-lived desires and not well thought out commitments. It’s great that we want to create a better version of ourselves, but we can’t just forge ahead while ignoring how we got here in the first place.
- If we ignore our mistakes, we are doomed to repeat them.
- If we don’t acknowledge our achievements, we might not realize what helped us achieve our greatness.
The best way to know what will happen is to review what has happened.
Therefore, we must review our year. And to help you do this, you’re simply going to answer the list of questions below which will force you to get a birds eye view of your life. From this new perspective, you’ll uncover key insights and lessons and have a much clearer plan for what you need to do to better yourself in 2022!
This time of year is always the perfect opportunity to reflect on yourself!
- Set aside some time so you could answer these in a space that allows you to brainstorm.
- Most answers are going to be very personal and possibly hard to face, but it will only help you if you are honest.
- You don’t have to answer them all in one go. Break them up in as many sessions as necessary.
- Take pride in knowing that you’re doing something most people won’t: Taking intentional action to create the life you want.
Answering these questions is just like a therapy session! (And it’s free!) To quote the winner of the 8-time Mr. Olympia title winner Ronnie Coleman, “Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift no heavy-ass weights.” In the same thread, to make great changes in your life, it requires WORK and reflecting on yourself is going to be the minimum you need to do to change your habits.
Without further ado, here are the questions…
- What were my 3 most significant accomplishments this year?
- What new projects did I start?
- What new projects did I leave unfinished and why?
- What projects gave me the most energy or joy?
- What was I most proud of?
- What photo-worthy experiences did I have this year? (Hint: review the photos you took to help you remember)
- Where did I physically spend the most time?
- Which experiences didn’t bring me as much joy as I thought?
- Which experience surprised me?
- Which 3 people did I spend the most time with?
- How did each of them change me for good or bad?
- Who supported me and pumped me up?
- Who sapped my energy the most?
- What traits did I adopt by being around them?
- Relevant vlog on choosing your friends wisely; “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.”
Skills / Growth
- What new skills did I develop this year?
- What new beliefs or mindsets did I add to my toolbox?
- Which ones did I leave behind?
- How am I different than the person I was last year?
- What have I gotten significantly better at?
- When did I feel the most alive?
- When did I feel most stressed?
- What caused me the most anxiety?
- What made me excited to get out of bed in the morning?
- What are the top 3 lessons I learned this year?
- If I could impart one piece of wisdom to my friends & family from this year, what is it?
- What book had the biggest impact on my thinking?
After you answer these questions…
You will clearly know what you learned, what got you excited, who you hung out with and how they affected you and so forth. Now you could get a much clearer picture of what got you here and where you are headed. You could even expand on these and explore other areas of your life as well (such as reviewing your financial situation and your intimate relationships). You will hopefully then learn what you need to adjust to create a better version of yourself for this year and every year to come thereafter. I hope this helps you and please share it with your friends and family so they can benefit as well!