Quick motivation for trying new things

Whenever people want to try out the traveling rings for the first time, many are often scared they are going suck at them.   I’m always encouraging people to do it and am very supportive of them the entire time because I was terrible at it when I first started. I couldn’t even hang on for too long because I was heavy and my grip wasn’t strong enough. Over the past year, I’ve helped dozens of people try them out for the first time and I’ve seen them improve tremendously.

The first time you try something, is basically the worst you will ever be at it.  The next time you go back, you are pretty much guaranteed to be better at it.

Does that sound bad?  That you’d be the worst at something the first time you do it?  Not really.  That’s just the truth.  You were terrible the first time you had sex. You were terrible the first time you tried to snowboard. You were terrible the first time you tried to not poop yourself.  But you got the hang of it eventually.  So don’t be afraid of trying something new just because you’re going to suck at it.  Who cares!?  Once you try it, you’ll only get better at it!

Related article: [Perfect] Practice Makes Perfect

I’m always encouraging people to do it and am very supportive of them the entire time because I was terrible at it when I first started. I couldn’t even hang on for too long because I was heavy and my grip wasn’t strong enough. Over the past year, I’ve helped dozens of people try them out for the first time and I’ve seen them improve tremendously.