Podcast Interviews with Antranik

One of my highlights of 2019 was that got interviewed more than ever! These conversations tend to be casual yet informative discussions where we delve a little bit deeper about myself and things topics to health and fitness. This page will be the centralized spot to find them. They are listed in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest). So if you wanna listen to something for an hour, here ya go!

Interview with Tyson Edwards (October 2019)

Tyson Edwards is a good friend of mine from Australia who I hung out with when he and Lachlan Walker visited the states a couple years ago. He is also a Guinness World Record holder for the highest standing backflip, accredited gymnastics coach and former competitive Olympic weightlifter. We had a pretty great conversation in this one, talking a lot about the intricacies of adult playgrounds and strength training and more!

Interview with Nick McKeever (July 2019)

Of all the podcasts on this page, Nick McKeever interviewing me was probably the one with the heaviest amount of jam packed information. He’s a super nice guy and we covered good and bad programming workout routines, burpees, discerning high and low quality info, athleticism, social anxiety, flexibility training, daily undulating periodization, nutrition and more! Nick’s blog can be found at unmeasuredfitness.com

Interview with Linor Oren (April 2019)

Linor Oren is an opera singer and teacher who utilizes yoga and emphasizes the importance of posture and suppleness in the body to further improve upon ones singing abilities and overall health and wellness. She’s also a pretty wonderful person overall! In our podcast we reviewed a lot of these aforementioned topics and more.

She also did a video where she recorded her experience of massaging herself with a lacrosse ball which is very candid and true to ones experience in the beginning stages. You could find her blog which includes her self massage experience as well a reviews of my programs here.

Interview with Steven Low (October 2018)

Steven Low is very well known in the bodyweight fitness world since he is the author of Overcoming Gravity which is like the bible for calisthenics that covers everything from programming to prehab to progressions in great detail. I tried to interview him and probe him about different topics. In hindsight, I’m not a very good host, I could’ve asked better questions and felt a little more free, but it is what it is! Besides, this one is only half an hour long.

Interview with Thomas Faustin Huisking (Nov 2016)

This was the first interview I ever did! Thomas Faustin Huisking hosts a live, health-oriented show here in Los Angeles and he recently asked me to join him! This was a great, casual interview where he asked me a bunch of questions regarding gymnastics strength training, muscle ups, calisthenics, injuries, the ketogenic diet and more! ! I enjoyed my time with him very much! You could get more info about Thomas on his Metamorphosis facebook page.