Latest Thoughts and News for February 2018!

I’m doing this completely full time now
I have decided to fully invest into my Internet presence and make this a full time job. My main passion in life is to HELP people and it’s crazy to think that I am already a trainer to thousands of people, but it’s the truth! I’ve firmly realized that the best way I can lift as many humans up, as efficiently as possible, is to focus on all this foundation I have built up. So I will be focusing on making sure my YouTube channel and website are up to date, as well as the other social media outlets such as Instagram and Facebook and Twitter. By the way, I also started a Discord chat-room in hopes of building up a chat-community of like minded individuals as well.
The 50% Discounts End Today
As a result of discovering my self-worth, the three programs on my website that have been on sale for a year at a 50% discount, end their discount today, Sunday. It’s about time I know my own self worth and know that the content I produce is worth a lot more than what I’ve been undercharging.
Links to the current paid programs:
- Rings Routine:
- Slackline Program:
- Hypertrophy Routine:
The January Yoga Challenge was a Success!
I persevered through the January Yoga Challenge and created 20 solid follow-along yoga videos for free! And if you missed it, watch my vlog on sticking to commitments that I made before the final week of the yoga challenge where I shared my personal struggles which brought about a lot of support out of the woodwork.
Flexibility Program is Next
Along the same lines, I am in the works of creating a paid flexibility program focused on loosening up the hamstrings and overall body that will consist of a few quality follow-along videos you could rotate and follow as many times as you want per week to get more flexible. If this sounds like a good idea to you, please let me know!
Update: Here’s the Hamstring Flexibility Program
Expect two to three YouTube videos a week now!
After years of making videos at a slow pace, I finally feel like I can publish videos at a faster rate. The yoga challenge forced me to make 5 videos a week and I think I can create 2-3 videos a week without sacrificing quality.
- You should expect two or three of any of the following topics:
- Tutorial of a bodyweight exercise, stretch or feel-good tip
- Vlog-like monologue sharing my inner musings
- FUN video (these will be surprises that show even more of my real self)
It’s taken literally years of work to get good at understanding how to record quality video footage, clean audio, edit it all, figuring out how to make decent thumbnails (I have no experience with any of this before) and have a system in place that allows me to be self-disciplined enough to be able to organize all of it and intertwine it with my blog, Instagram, YouTube, subreddit and Facebook page without going crazy.
Here are some of my latest videos in the last couple weeks alone!
This latest video below explores why DEPRESSION is a normal part of the creative process which is an emotional rollercoaster that can be broken down into 6 steps. Be aware of the LOWS so you can reach the HIGHS!
This was more of a fun vlog of my workout, which is a first for me. The response was great, so I will definitely make more. (Hint: next one is at muscle beach!)
Quick one minute video: Stop driving like an impatient fool! Instantly reduce stop & go driving with this one “weird” trick! Videos in regards to driving tend to bring about a lot of arguments, so I’m not too fond of the divisiveness this creates in the comments.
A two part series on how to do pullups properly and how to do your first pullup if you can’t do any:
What about my interest in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies?
Everybody talks about the price of bitcoin and altcoins but nobody seems able to explain what it actually is. So I made a video presentation that explains what is bitcoin in great detail, for those who don’t know what it actually is and what gives it value. I also made a sort of rant talking about Bitcoin “crashing” and upon analyzing my YouTube statistics, I see that I lost over 200 subscribers just from those two videos alone.
I suppose my audience simply doesn’t want to see any videos in regards to cryptocurrencies. So, I will move those videos to a new channel called Crypto with Antranik which currently has ZERO subscribers. Care to be the first? Link to the new channel is here. That’ll be more of a side-project. I don’t know if it will grow, but I can definitely share my wisdom regarding crypto with others there without feeling like I’m alienating the current audience. Also, don’t be surprised if you see blog posts on this website regarding cryptocurrency as well, but it won’t be the main focus.
Anyway, those are all my thoughts for the evening. Hope you’re all doing great. Thank you all for the continued support.