Entrainment is Real

What is entrainment?

Take two tuning forks.  Bang one of them so that it starts vibrating (Fork A).  Bring it close to the other one (Fork B) and that will start to vibrate to match the other one.  What will actually happen is that Fork A’s vibration will decrease and Fork B’s vibration will increase until they both match.  As their energy vibrates away, they will both be still again.

If you keep providing energy to Fork A so that it maintains a high vibration, the other one will stay up as well.

Examples of entrainment in nature:

  • The pendulums of two grandfather clocks in front of each other will eventually be in sync.
  • As night arrives, crickets will eventually chirp in unison, frogs will ribbit together and fireflies will flash at the same time.

Now replace the tuning forks with human beings

Now we’re going to take this concept and replace the tuning forks with human beings.  At our very basic essence, we are made up of atoms that are all vibrating at different frequencies.  The entire culmination of these atoms makes our very own “energy signature.”  Just like the tuning forks, we are vibrating beings.  We could deepen our conceptualization and say that even our emotions are a form of vibration.  Anger is one frequency.  Joy is another frequency.  Boredom is another frequency.  And so forth.  E-motions have sometimes been dubbed as energy-in-motion.  The idea here is that our normal thoughts plus feelings give rise to feelings and are very powerful.

“Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.” -Mom

If you are surrounded by people that are constantly sad, depressed, melancholic or pessimistic, it’s only a matter of time until you get engulfed in their world.  In other words, you will be like that tuning fork that matches up to the others.  If you are in a workplace full of crazy people who are always stressed, they will make you feel stressed out.  You can easily feel this.

Relationships / Significant Others

If you are a very imaginative and ambitious entrepreneur and your significant other is lazy and unmotivated, you will be great inspiration to them.  You will uplift them and find ways to motivate them like no other.  But how many weeks, months or years until you get burnt out?  You can’t always give and give and give.  You need to receive too.  How long can you maintain that high vibration you had if the other is constantly bringing you down on their level?  Relationships need to be balanced in this sense where both of you lift each other up higher and higher.

I see unbalanced relationships all too often.  I guess that’s how people learn.  And some people don’t have the awareness to realize they are in a sub-optimal relationship (“love is blind”) and some don’t have the BALLS to end it.

So which tuning fork are you?  The one that brings the others up?  Or brings the others down?