Keyboard Shortcut Lovers: YouTube Edition

I love keyboard shortcuts and I didn’t know a couple of the things here until today… so here goes…
While a video is playing, pressing keys 1 through 9 skips to the 10% through 90% time points, respectively. For example, if you press 3, you will jump to the 30% mark. Pressing the number 0 will go to the start of the video.
It’s best to try this with a hilarious video where no matter what frame you’re at something awesome is being said: Charlie Sheen Says He’s ‘Not Bipolar but ‘Bi-Winning’ (opens in new tab).
Pressing the left or right arrow keys allows you to jump forward or back by 10%.
The space-bar toggles Play/Pause. The up and down arrow keys move the volume up or down.
You could even play Snake!
While a video is playing, hold the left-arrow-key for at least 2 seconds, press the up-arrow-key and release both keys. This will rewind the video but at the same time you’ll see Snake begin playing.
Troubleshooting: If these commands aren’t working, you need to click on the video so the cursor focus moves there. Clicking on the video will either pause or play it, which is annoying, so I created this graphic to show you where is the best place to click so you don’t interrupt anything else. Also, the number-keys don’t work in full-screen mode because Flash doesn’t allow it.

Hope that helps!