Understanding how FSH and LH affect men and women differently and how they are regulated with negative feedback loops.
Growth Hormone (Somatotropin)
What growth hormone does, how it’s stimulated, inhibited and disorders related to it.
Prolactin (Lactogenic Hormone)
All about prolactin.
Adrenocorticotropin Hormone (ACTH) including Cortisol
The hypoÂthalÂaÂmus releases the folÂlowÂing ReleasÂing HorÂmones that stimÂuÂlate the release of difÂferÂent horÂmones from the adenohypophysis: CorÂtiÂcotropin ReleasÂing HorÂmone (C.R.H. causes the release of ACTH) ThyÂrotropin ReleasÂing HorÂmone (T.R.H. causes the release of ThyÂroid StimÂuÂlatÂing HorÂmone aka Thyrotropin) Gonadotropin ReleasÂing HorÂmone (GnRH releases LH and FSH.) Growth HorÂmone R.H. & Growth Hormone I.H. ProÂlactin R.H. & ProÂlactin […]
Stress and Cortisol
On the right is a lab form for testing hormone levels in the body and it’s all done by RIA. The very first hormone listed is cortisol. Notice it shows the cortisol levels are different between night (PM) and day (AM). It’s higher when you wake up, generally in the morning (unless you work graveyard […]
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (Thyrotropin)
The hypoÂthalÂaÂmus releases the folÂlowÂing ReleasÂing HorÂmones that stimÂuÂlate the release of difÂferÂent horÂmones from the adenohypophysis: CorÂtiÂcotropin ReleasÂing HorÂmone (C.R.H. causes the release of ACTH) ThyÂrotropin ReleasÂing HorÂmone (T.R.H. causes the release of ThyÂroid StimÂuÂlatÂing HorÂmone aka Thyrotropin) Gonadotropin ReleasÂing HorÂmone (GnRH releases LH and FSH.) Growth HorÂmone R.H. & Growth Hormone I.H. ProÂlactin R.H. & ProÂlactin […]
Hormones secreted by the Anterior Pituitary Gland (Adenohypophysis)
Now, we just said that the Releasing Hormones from the hypothalamus cause the release of hormones in the adenohypophysis. These are the releasing hormones coming from the hypothalamus: Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH causes the release of ACTH) Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH causes the release of TSH;Thyroid Stimulating Hormone;Thyrotropin) Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH releases LH and […]
Endocrinology of the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland
The hypothalamus, located just below the Thalamus and the 3rd ventricle, is controlling everything involved with the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus is linked to the pituitary gland by both nerve fiber tracts and a profuse network of capillaries called the hypothalamic-pituitary portal system (aka hypophyseal portal system). Look at the pathway of the blood in […]
Synaptic Transmission by Somatic Motorneurons
We go over how synapses work for activating motor neurons and the neuromuscular junction in detail. Then with that information, we see how it relates to pharmacology and clinical applications.
Conduction of the Action Potential along the Nerve Fiber
Learn how conduction velocity differs between unmyelinated and myelinated cells and a clinical consideration of this: multiple sclerosis.