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Conducting System of the Heart
See in what order the nerve impulses pass through the heart that gives its rhythmicity and the external innervation that controls the rate.
Discuss the structure and anatomy of cardiac muscle tissue in detail.
Blood Flow of the Heart
Circulation of the heart including the blood supply to the heart itself and the sound of the heartbeat.
The Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Reflex
Learn the renin angiotensin aldosterone pathway! It’s easy!
Types of Hypertension
Types of hypertension and the drugs used to treat them.
The Four Hormones Essential for Living
We review insulin, parathyroid hormone, cortisol, and aldosterone.
Birth Control
Primers to help you better help understand how birth control works: The Menstrual Cycle and FSH and LH (Gonadotropic Hormones) If a woman took a pill containing estrogen everyday and raised the estrogen level in the blood, that would inhibit her pituitary from releasing Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), which means the ovarian follicles will NOT […]
FSH and LH (Gonadotropic Hormones)
Understanding how FSH and LH affect men and women differently and how they are regulated with negative feedback loops.
Growth Hormone (Somatotropin)
What growth hormone does, how it’s stimulated, inhibited and disorders related to it.