If you still think a person is riding a bicycle or taking a bus in Los Angeles because they don’t have a car, you just have no idea what you’re missing out.
I don’t let my slave eat [GIF]
Poor guy.
When you’re sick and bed-ridden, this is medicine
Antranik recommended, Mother approved.
Beta Blockers for Hypertension
How they work and a drug list.
Calcium Channel Blockers
How calcium channel blockers work and a drug list.
Angiotensin Receptor Blockers
How ARB’s work, their advantage and a drug list.
ACE inhibitors
How ACE inhibitors work, what patients they’re useful in, their major side effect and a drug list.
In depth look at vasodilators, a step 3 drug for hypertension.
Alpha Adrenergic Blockers
How they work, their uses and a drug list.
How sympatholytics work, their side effects and drug list.