So it’s been about 2 months and I’ve lost a little more than 10 pounds. (If you want to read how I’ve been doing that, read “Anto’s Counting Calories.” This post is an update from that.)
I didn’t think losing 10 pounds would be a dramatic difference. Going from 180lbs to 170lbs is just a 5% difference. Yet people who don’t see me regularly keep telling me I am looking “smaller” and “stronger” like as if I’ve lost a lot of weight. But then I tell them, “It’s just ten pounds!”
Then another friend of mine mentioned I was looking slimmer and I again said, “Well thanks but it’s just ten pounds.” And she was like, “Ten pounds is a lot! That’s a sack of potatoes!” And the words “sack of potatoes” got stuck in my head cause a sack of potatoes are pretty god damned heavy when you’re holding on to them.
I looked it up and a normal sack of potatoes are 5kg or 12 pounds. So yeah, wow, that’s kind of a big deal! I lost the equivalent of a sack of potatoes off my body. Damn that’s cool.
And the benefits are pretty nuts. I could hold crane pose indefinitely now. I could stand up from the floor without using my hands much more easily. When I dive off the board, my hurdle is massive. No wonder I finally surpassed 20mph average speed on a solo bike ride the other day. No wonder I’m flying higher than ever before on the traveling rings and my joints feel amazing!
So yeah, wow! Ten pounds didn’t seem like much. That mere 5% was a big deal. Who would’ve thought!