People create new year resolutions to better themselves but they often fall flat on their face because the component that’s missing is the necessary reflection on how you got here in the first place. This post will teach you how to break the cycle and find out how to truly get to where you want to be!
Get Over The Pendulum of Doubt and Into The Flow State
Ever wonder why do creative people keep going from high on life to depressed? How do you get over the existential crisis that comes every so often. Or better yet, how do you avoid it all together and keep your state of mind sharp and practice self-care? Learn all that and more inside!
Deal with Winter Woes, Creativity Burnout, Meditation, Hedonistic Adaptation and MORE!
With autumn settling in, I was feeling downtrodden, unable to focus and lacking the motivation to make fresh content, but I started to see the light again and YOU CAN TOO!
Top 8 Tips To Stay Fit Without a Gym
Here are all the things that I do to stay physically healthy and mentally active in a balanced manner without ever needing to go into a gym! I cover everything from simply laying on the ground to staying supple, getting strong, cultivating skills and getting exposed to nature!
Reflection of the Month: What is the story you tell yourself?
If your current story isn’t working, why not choose a new one?
Reflecting on 2019
As I do every year near the year end, here’s a big blog post where I spill my thoughts out reflecting on the year!
Podcast Interviews with Antranik
Collection of the podcasts I’ve been on all in one spot!
Wrapping up 2018 with lots and lots of thoughts.
In this “year end” wrap up post, I talk about major changes in my life such as moving further from the beach, bicycling again, reviewing my training progress and business perspectives/struggles and how social media has a negative effect on my psyche and more!
Body Image Perceptions and Issues as a YouTuber
Someone asked me why I’m not concerned about getting leaner… so here’s my answer.
The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Anxiety, Stopping Panic Attacks, and Overcoming Depression
A collection of tips for reducing anxiety, stopping panic attacks, figuring out how to do the right thing, dealing with unforeseen circumstances, and getting through depression.