They reversed the scene in Aladdin so he looks like the biggest Jerk, hahahhaha.
The Constant Awesome
[Perfect] Practice Makes Perfect
What sets apart expert performers from everyone else is not necessarily talent but deliberate, perfect practice.
Give Your Elders an Ear
A very touching art collection. Hope it touches you.
LA from Space
“The grey of pavement and dense population is visible from Earth orbit.”
Trippy Thursday #6
The time has come again for you to just relax and take in some cool visuals.
Cancer Chemotherapy Fact
Learn how close (yet so far) chemotherapy is getting to killing the cancerous cells with every round of treatment…
Time and Stress
Most of our stress traces back, repeatedly, over and over, to our perceived lack of time.
No matter where you go, there you are.
“Ya running and ya running, ya running and ya running, but ya can’t run away from yourself.” -Bob Marley
Start doing what you love, at least on the side
Remember what you love to do and then do it. At least on the side. The years are passing by and waiting for nobody.
Isn’t it Funny?
A bit of self-awareness drizzled in with [the fallacy that] ignorance is bliss…