Bodyweight Training

This is a 3-6x/week bodyweight training routine that allows you to build impressive (intermediate-level) strength with minimal equipment. All you need is the floor and a pull up bar for most exercises. If you have a pair of wooden gymnastics rings, you could do even more!
- Everything in the lists generally go from the easier variation to the more advanced.
- Don't attempt the next progression if you have not mastered the prerequisites in red.
- Go to the next exercise only when you can do 3 sets of 8-12 reps (or 60s holds) of the previous with perfect form.
- If you cannot maintain proper form, go back to an easier variation or the prerequisite.
- If you feel pain, STOP. Never work through the pain. REST.
- Implement a Steady State Cycle for the static moves because a stronger foundation is better than injury down the line.
- Wrists feeling funky? Give em a break with the Wrist Friendly Routine.
Warm Up
- Scapular Shrugs (10-20reps)
- Cat/Cow (10-20reps)
- Bodyline Drills (Go for a 60sec hold)
- Actively flex glutes and abs in every bodyline drill.
- Plank (with full protraction)
- Side Plank (both sides!)
- Reverse Plank (with full retraction)
- Hollow Hold
- Hollow Hold with Ankle Weights/Bag
- Hollow Rocks (prerequisite: HH for 60+sec)
- Reverse Hollow Hold
- Reverse Hollow Rocks (prerequisite: RH for 60+sec)
Note: For plank and side plank, I alternate between the forearm and straight arm variants every week. The dolphin/forearm versions are also great to give your wrists a break if they are feeling funky.
Skill Work (5-10 min for L-sit & Handstand practice, 1-2min for support holds)
- Floor L-sit progressions (goal is 1x60sec, more info here)
- Foot supported L-sit (press shoulder blades down)
- One Foot supported L-sit
- Tucked L-sit
- Less Tucked L-sit
- Seated Leg Lifts (Supplemental)
- Seated Straddle Leg Lifts (Supplemental)
- Full L-sit
- RTO L-sit
- Next? Here are Advanced L-sit, V-sit, Manna and Straddle L-sit Progressions
- Straddle L-sit? V-sit? Both require good flexibility so work on your splits!
- Prerequisite: 20sec Crow Pose
- 30sec Tippy Toe Supported Crow Using Block
- 30sec One-Foot Supported Crow Using Block
- 20sec Crow Pose using Block
- 20sec Crow Pose
- Handstand Specific Progressions
- Wrist Warm Up (3-5mins)
- 60sec Chest to Wall Handstand
- Kick Up Into Back to Wall HS with Legs Tucked (focus on only bringing the hips over and don’t even worry about straightening the legs)
- Heel Pulls Drill
- Freestanding Handstand Attempts
- Heel Pulls Drill
- Kick Up Into Back to Wall HS with Legs Tucked (focus on only bringing the hips over and don’t even worry about straightening the legs)
- Need more HS help? Check out my Comprehensive HS Tutorial.
- Support Holds (goal is 1x60sec before moving on)
- Support Hold (Parallel Bar) (press shoulder & shoulder blades DOWN, like the L-sit)
- Support Hold (Rings Neutral)
- RTO Support Hold
- Swinging Support Hold
- Rings Muscle Up Skill Work
- Human Flag Progressions (do both sides) (#1)
- Prerequisite: 3×5 Wall Handstand Push ups
- Vertical Flag (You may rest legs against Pbar initially)
- Eccentric Flag (One knee bent as you lower down)
- Full Flag
To view the rest of this epic program with the strength work and more, simply sign up! It's free and helps to keep this site sustainable! If you have signed up in the past for this (or any other program), use the login form directly below this registration form!

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