View of the mountains surrounding San Fernando Valley from Panorama City

In Panorama City, there is a Kaiser Permanente hospital with a 10-story tower that allows you to catch some awesome views.

View Rating: 10 out of 10. If you go up there, you’ll understand why Panorama City got its name, because 360° around, you’ll be equidistantly surrounded by the mountains that make up the San Fernando Valley.

Facing South East to South
Facing South West to West (Click for Higher Resolution)

Here’s a video of the place right when the sun was setting (and here’s another one just AFTER it set, with more of me talking, and the camera sensor going crazy from the colors):


Accessibility: Easy if you can climb stairs. Here’s how…

First of all, you can’t enter the tower if it’s past 8pm so go well before sunset time.  Don’t do anything stupid while up there to burn the spot and ruin it for the rest of us. There are cameras all over the place, including the stair wells to get up there.

1. Park in one of the parking structures of the hospital and then walk on Cantara St.

2. Walk up this driveway below and enter the doors:

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3. Walk straight ahead.   Continue straight until you get to the end where there are working elevators and you’ll find the door to the stairs right next to them. Climb those flight of stairs all the way up.

Some weird things about the place…

When you first enter the building, you will have to pass by these eery elevators that read “Permanently Out of Order” on them.  Also, you will notice that despite how massive the tower is, the building seems like it’s mostly empty and unused.  I recommend you just don’t make eye contact with employees and just walk straight ahead to the elevators with confidence that you know where you are going even if it is your first time.  Enjoy!