One Rim To Rule Them All
What does the engraving mean?
As you probably guessed, all of this is from Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien. It tells of the the One Ring’s power to control all the other rings. Translated, the words say “One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”
The letters are tengwar, a fictional script created to write down the Elven tongue (‘Elvish’). The language is the Black Speech, a fictional language created by Sauron to used in the realm of Moldor.
The ring is specifically drawn and explained by Gandalf in Book I, Chapter 2 of The Fellowship of the Ring.
Who made this?
This is a one off item. Someone bought the rim and had it laser-etched by some professionals. The rim was originally solid anodized black, they just etched away the dye that’s trapped under the anodized layer to get the white parts. It cost him $350 to do both sides of one wheel.
Will we see more of these wheels made?
Probably not. If these ever get on the market, the lawyers who work for the Tolkien trust/estate will find you and sue you.