Time is the most valuable thing you have. Here are at least three ways to use it wisely.
What is YOUR self worth?
Coming out of a yoga class, I had all these thoughts running amok about my self worth and the irony of how I sabotage myself, always afraid that I’m not good enough and how that paralyzes my creativity. Well, this video was an attempt at breaking through all that just by talking about it in a purposely suboptimal setting and just talking freely.
Convenient ways of listening to music during exercise
Since headphones can fly out of our ears and phones can fall out of our pockets during vigorous activities, I share with you all the different hardware and clothing options that have worked for me, including the pros and cons to each.
Rediscover the Prospect of Clearer Thinking by Singletasking
In a world of interruptions that constantly fight for our attention, we pay a price for switching tasks. Learn how to mitigate this, fight information-overload and regain focus by going back to single-tasking.
[Perfect] Practice Makes Perfect
What sets apart expert performers from everyÂone else is not necessarily talÂent but delibÂerÂate, perÂfect practice.
Time and Stress
Most of our stress traces back, repeatedly, over and over, to our perceived lack of time.
Just Do It.
Tip for writers or people with dirty bedrooms… or, maybe anyone?
Do One Thing at a Time
People seem to be operating in an environment of multi-distractions under the false impression that they’re productive JUST BECAUSE THEY’RE BUSY!
5 Tips For Reducing Eye Strain
Take a moment to adjust the brightness and reduce the glare of this screen you spend half your life staring at!
10 Study Tips and Skills That’ll Bring Out the Genius In You
Learn how to study like a BOSS. These are the tips that will save your time, increase your confidence and help you ace those exams!