Add me on Instagram for the Eye Candy (and maybe educational stuff)

I wanted to share with you the fact that I have an Instagram account. I made it about 6 months ago. I use it to share cool photos or casual, 15sec videos. It’s good for doing things “on the fly” where I usually am in a cool spot like the santa monica rings, maybe with my dog, maybe not and I want to share the magic with you. I also have so many ideas when it comes to movements/exercises and want to share them with people but it’s a ton of work to make professional videos and it’s not always necessary when the idea is super simple.

For example, this was my first post…

My first post on Instagram… Of course it’s at the beach.. And it’s gotta include my doggie Medax!

A video posted by Antranik Kinartna (@antranikdotorg) on

And it’s a lot easier to post pretty photos of sunsets/sunrises than making a whole new blog post about it and putting it in the Eye Candy category which I don’t use that much anyway.

Using Instagram for educational or movement related videos? Maybe.

Here’s one, for example, that’s a nice stretch for your lats that you could do from the childs pose position…

Since instagram forces me to limit my videos to 15sec, it’ll be an interesting tool.

For consistency, my account names are all “AntranikDotOrg”

Anything that helps me get my ideas out of my head and out into the world is neat-o to me. So anyway, thanks for reading and have a splendid day!