Recap of 2021
For my YouTube channel, I published 25 new videos and I am about 2300 subscribers shy of hitting 100,000! Here’s an overview of them.
Follow Along Yoga videos:
- 40 Minute Full Body Yoga Class
- 37 Minute Vinyasa Yoga Flow for Full Body Flexibility
- 30 Minute Euphoric Yoga for Hamstrings, Lower Back and Hip Flexors
- 45 Minute Full Body Power Yoga Session
‘Real Talk’ Vlogs
- Gaining Momentum Out of Creative Funks, Adapting to 2021, Meditation, Online Coaching & New Doge!
- Life is Too Short, a STRUGGLE, Full of Highs and Lows. Turns off the NEWS, Don’t Live in FEAR.
- Get Over The Pendulum of Doubt and Into The Flow State!
Showing off the high vibes and creativity at the Original Muscle Beach!
- April 2021: Calisthenics, Acrobatics, Flying Rings, Slacklining, Tricklining at Muscle Beach
- July 2021: Calisthenics, Circus Arts, Gymnastics, Stunts & More with Antranik!
- Nov 2021: Humans Being Awesome at Muscle Beach (Calisthenics, Acro Yoga, Slacklining, Circus Arts)
Calisthenics/Movement/Training/Nutrition Tutorials:
- The Best Handstand Drill To Get OFF The Wall! (Heel Pulls with Antranik)
- Full Dragon Flag Tutorial: WHERE to do them, PROPER FORM and PROGRESSIONS
- The Best Training Tool You’re Not Using! (Training Log and Journal!)
- The Coolest Bicycling Tips and Tricks EVER with Antranik (Beginner to Advanced)
- How to Integrate Fitness with LIFE (Real Life Examples and Mindset)
- Skiing Day Trip Vlog
- 3 Tips to Lose Weight and KEEP IT OFF (Without Counting Calories!)
- Top 9 Exercises to Rehab, Protect and Warmup Your Shoulders with Antranik
- A blog post with GIF’s was created to complement this video.
New Programs:
I released the Quick and Effective Workout Program to cater to those who need more brevity with their workouts and started up Antraniks Inner Circle as a support group.
Blog Posts Created This Year:
- Most Popular: Bulletproof Your Shoulders!
- Most Relevant: Forget New Year Resolutions, here’s how to REFLECT on the year for MEGA success!
- Most Inspirational:
- Unable to workout consistently year round? Don’t beat yourself up for inadvertently taking time off your routine! Here’s what to do!
- Comprehensive List of Vigorous Physical Activities to Help You Find Your Freedom!
- My Two Favorite Go-To Summer Salads! (Classic Caesar Salad and Arugula Salad with Goat Cheese)
Other Thoughts:
Luna is our new dog that’s fantastically athletic
Medax passed away at the end of 2020. And we got a new dog named Luna. (And by we I mean my fiancé who I asked to marry me last summer!) Luna is is a Papillon-mix and apparently her lineage is used a lot for agility competitions. It’s clearly in her genetics to be extremely athletic and smart. I’ve been teaching her to be leashless in our front yard and vigorously reinforcing “recall” (her ability to come to me when I call her) by constantly giving her a little treat everytime she comes running toward me when I call her name. I must say, recall might be the most important, functionally useful trick a dog can know!
The ever pervasive social media
Social dilemma was the best documentary I saw in 2020 and in continuation with that, I recently listened to the Joe Rogan interview with the creator of that documentary Tristan Harris and all of it is quite… frightening. The apps that were supposed to make our lives better all utilize gamification to get us addicted. And they have done it so well they have effectively gamed our lives. Breaking from the chains of the phone is a super power that we need to cultivate. An interesting tidbit from that interview was that tech companies make money from our attention but our attention is getting fractured to the point of it becoming junk and the whole thing is spiraling into a sort of junk economy. Our only hope is that the new generation has the capability to handle these phones better than us, otherwise the mental health of all of society is in danger.
Tech censorship is wrong
If you haven’t noticed, we now have “fact checkers” now behind many posts, which makes everything seem politicized even when it shouldn’t. And the bigger problem is, who fact-checks the fact-checkers? These tech companies have far more power than they ever even expected to have and they were not equipped to deal with this, so I don’t know how this will end. Not well is my guess. Divineness and chaos seems to be the trend that’s going to be ever-increasing, and that’s a bit unnerving.
RIP Reddit
Reddit was once a fantastic place to get really good and ideas, but it’s become the worst kind of echo chamber. Countless subreddits have been banned and as a moderator of many subreddits, I’ll just let you know that the amount of censorship that’s occurring is unparalleled (and that’s just from what I see, I’m not even seeing the full picture).
Anyway, I don’t want to get too doom and gloom here, the overall trajectory the world is taking is a bit scary.
And normally I would write a bit more on these recaps but I got covid about 1-2 weeks ago and it threw me for a loop so this is going to remain abridged. COVID was the strangest thing, I had a strong fever for 12 hours. Then I threw up and immediately the fever broke and for the two days after I just had a mild fever intermittently with zero appetite. And then the symptoms were pretty much gone except I would get easily fatigued which was really strange. (I am not used to feeling fatigue at all.) But anyway, about a week and a half later, I am back to normal, tested negative and I’ve gone to two outdoor yoga classes since and going to restart my rings-training pronto!
I’d like to note that in that time I felt the quarantine/isolation itself was really unhealthy mentally, more unhealthy than the COVID itself. I hadn’t had the cold or flu in well over 5 years, so I’m really glad I’m over that BS. Nothing like getting sick to remind you that nothing is more important than your health! And it’s hard to believe so many people are still living in fear from this. Live your lives, people! Set some goals and get ready to murder the year, because time waits for NO ONE!