What do you need, right NOW?

“Nothing ever happened in the past; it happened in the Now.
Nothing will ever happen in the future; it will happen in the Now.”
~ Eckhart Tolle ~

Do you need anything right NOW?

… think about it…

Do you need anything right… NOW?

Your answer will surely be, “No.”

If you answered with a “Yes, I need blablabla..”  Then you’re thinking about the future.  (Remember the question was in regards to right-now.)

The point of this question is to help you come back to center and realize that in this exact moment, everything is actually totally fine.   This present moment is the only moment that actually exists, ever.  I repeat, this present moment, where you don’t need anything, is always the same and only moment that actually exists, ever.  The past is history, the future is always coming, and the present moment is all there is.  Sadness is felt when we dwell on the past.  Anxiety is felt when we dwell on the future.  Ease is felt when we are in the present moment.

That’s the bliss of being in the present moment.  That’s why I mentioned in another post earlier this week (“What’s your meditation?“) that I love yoga and stretching.  These are activities that  allow me to be here in the present moment, while ramping up my self awareness and making me stronger and more flexible.

One of the many awesome pages from Remember, Be Here Now.