Video: How to stretch your back after sitting all day

This is one of my favorite stretches to do.  It’s great for loosening up your lower (and upper) back!  If my back feels tense, this is really good at releasing that tension and moving my body in a new way that’s not possible while working or sitting or standing all day.

Wear comfortable clothing and make enough space on the floor so you could lay flat on your back and spread your arms and legs completely out to the sides.

You may not be able to twist far enough to touch the floor AND THAT’S OKAY!  Just go as far as you are comfortable with.  You may be able to twist completely and touch the floor after you switch sides a couple times and your muscles have warmed up.

Well, I hope that helps you out!  Let me know how it went… and if you have a favorite stretch you tend to do, please share it with us so we could all feel limber and awesome.