Rotator Cuff Strengthening (Rehab)


  1. Coat Flash Stretch
  2. Stick shoulder external rotation


  1. Coat Flash with Band (3 sets of 10 reps)
  2. Single Arm Coat Flash with Band (3×10)
  3. Spearing with Band (3×10)… setup band against window frame
    1. (note: this is the same as #4 in the next set, do that one if this hurts)

More Strengthening

  1. Hold Plank, 3 sets of 1 minute.
  2. Shoulder Extensions while Kneeling Tall (5 sets of 20 seconds)
  3. Dynamic Hug (use band) (3 sets of 10)
  4. Internal Rotation with Band (setup band against window frame, lie on your back in bed)


Band dislocates (there should be no pain, just alleviate the tightness!)

Side-lying external rotations

Wall extensions (sit against the wall, pressing the back against the wall)