In regards to the idiotic front-runners going for the PRESIDENCY of the UNITED STATES
Herman Cain … Rick Perry … Mitt Romney … Michele Bachmann … ???
These fucking idiots are the front-runners? These are the ones “best able” to lead and run a nation? What a crock of shit. Can they make it anymore obvious that politics isn’t about serving the people but about selling themselves and advancing their own careers?
These are scummy politicians who get on the podium and tell you what you want to hear, not what they really think and change sides all the time as they see fit. These “front-runners” have been lying for so long and are so deep in their own shit they probably, very sincerely, don’t even think they are doing anything wrong!
Here is a great video that shows the ridiculousness of the front-runners inconsistency compared to Ron Paul:
And they say Ron Paul is unelectable?
Whenever you listen to a video of Paul, if you close your eyes and don’t have any context to go by, you wouldn’t know the year in which he was speaking at all. I’m not the least bit fanatic about Ron Paul and I don’t agree with him on some important points but he commands respect from me because his level of logic and knowledge on political and economic issues naturally leads to his amazing consistency. He is certainly the only candidate at this point that could give Obama a run for his money. Obama deserves a worthy opponent who is actually able to challenge him on the very issues we’re facing as a country. That would be quite the breath of fresh air, would it not?