Yaad Mohammad spent 3 months shooting, collaborating and making this video tutorial (embedded below). He garnered advice from many people during the creation of it and it’s high time I outline this in greater detail because it deserves it.
Besides, this is not your typical tutorial where you just go from easier to harder exercises. Â This involves an intelligently programmed mix of strength work and skill work in a combination you’ve probably never seen before. Â It’s really interesting and overall quite genius relative to other HSPU tutorials!
Oh and I forgot to say, even if a HSPU is not a goal for you at the moment, the video is not only educational but highly entertaining as he uses his voice like no other! By the way, the video has lots of info not mentioned in this blog post, but… this page also has resources not found in the video tutorial: most importantly the weekly calendars I created for all the stages! This makes the video THAT MUCH MORE useful!
Prerequisites before you begin training for HSPU…
- 10 sec stable freestanding handstand
- If you don’t have a solid freestanding HS yet, you should at least have a solid WALL handstand as you work toward the freestanding version.
- If you want to improve your normal handstand, check out my HS tutorial.
- ~20 reps of push ups
- ~15 reps of dips
The Exercises (Note: These are not progressions!)
The Programming that utilizes the above exercises
Weekly Schedules To Keep You On Track For All The Stages!
Last but not least, you will see that this tutorial is such that it requires you to do some sort of “Yaad Lean” or “Yaad Hold” several times a week (5x a week, twice daily!)… and the issue I personally have with that is that it can be too much time on my wrists and I don’t necessarily have the time (or patience) to warm them up.  So what I do instead is I use these push up bars instead of putting my palms flat on the floor. (If you could afford wooden parallettes, those are even nicer if they are to stay indoors at home, but push up bars are more portable and useful.) Hope that helps!