How to Load the Actual Full Facebook Site on your Phone

Facebook automatically redirects all mobile web browsers to go to their mobile version.  Sometimes I really need to access the actual FULL FACEBOOK SITE because I can’t do everything using the web app or my iPhones native app.

To access the full facebook site:

You just need to load into your browser.

I recommend you bookmark the link so that you can access it easily (or just remember to add home.php after

Another way to access the full facebook site:

Go to and allow the mobile web app to load.  Tap on the three vertical dots on the upper right corner and then tap on “View Desktop Site.”

Once the full site has loaded, avoid tapping on the Facebook logo on the top-left corner and also avoid tapping on YOUR profile name because if you do it will detect that you’re on a mobile browser and direct you to the web app (

On my iPhone the full site works very fast, just like a normal computer. This should work as well for an Android, Blackberry, Nokia or Palm Pre phone as well.

Hope that was helpful!