Holding an even HIGHER standard for music

At the moment, my entire music library is rated.  It took a couple years but it’s rated.  I explained how I hold a high musical standard in my other blog post a couple months ago, but here’s the recap on the rating system:

  • 5 out of 5 means it’s REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, GOOD.
  • 4 out of 5 is a fantastic/awesome song, but it’s not exactly 5-star material.
  • 3 stars or lower are deleted or kept only for sentimental reasons and will probably be deleted once I’m over it.

My iPhone is set to sync up only my 5-star music.  So when I’m walking around with headphones on, I’m listening to my best shit.  But nowadays, I’m starting to realize that some songs stand out on a completely higher level and are quite literally, “THE BEST.”

As a result, I’m sort of wishing to have the ability to rate some songs as 6 out of 5.  But obviously that’s not going to happen anytime soon, so…  I’m going to have to restructure my rating-system.

I need to downgrade…

  • 3-stars to 2-stars,
  • 4-stars to 3 stars, and
  • 5 stars to 4 stars.

The ones that remain as 5 stars have to be quite literally the BEST, the cream of the crop, even moreso than before.  And I gotta have my iphone sync both 4-star and 5-star tracks, to have plenty to listen to.

Ratings are very personal, but just for example, this following song, would remain as 5-stars:

I couldn’t have come to this “dilemma” or cross point in my life, if I didn’t hold such a high standard for music to begin with and delete everything that was bad.  Digital hoarding is real.  I recommend you hop to the cleansing process if you haven’t already! 😀