Easily find the best movies to stream on Netflix with your PS3, Wii, Xbox 360 or PC

I love the fact that we’ve come to a point in our society that we can instantly stream movies or shows right on our TV’s or computers.  At my home, I have a TV but I purposely don’t have any TV channels thanks to the power of the Internet.  I just have a PS3 that I use to play DVD’s or stream programs from Netflix.

Unfortunately, Netflix’s browser sucks for finding really good titles.

For some strange reason, they have purposely avoided a way to sort anything by rating, so oftentimes I have to mindlessly browse through lots of horrible films.  The running joke is that if there’s anythings that’s ever been filmed that’s mediocre (or worse), then it’s probably available on Netflix’s streamable selection.

I started to compile a list of movies that are great but very quickly I realized it was never going to be comprehensive (or unbiased). I started looking for other resources and discovered this awesome website called InstantWatcher.com

InstantWatcher.com helps your find good streaming titles from Netflix without the junk!

InstantWatcher.com seems a lot more streamlined and easier to use to find good titles than going through Netflix.  You could search by rating, see the Rotten Tomatoes  percentage, and browse awesome categories such as “New York Times Critics Picks.

Big thanks to Daniel Choi, the creator of the site, since he combined Netflix, Google and New York Times Movie Review API‘s to bring you a much more powerful website.  For more information, read the 2nd half of the About page.

He’s also trying to do the same thing with Hulu.com’s selection but that’s still in beta mode.

Well, I hope that helps you figure out what you want to watch a little bit faster!