Bicycles Take Over OMB

Another foggy night. June gloom making its way deep into August this year. It was also Thursday, which means there’s a free concert at the Santa Monica pier right next to Old Muscle Beach. Troves of people come, many with bicycles. Very quickly they run out of bicycle parking and start using all the exercise apparatuses to lock their bikes to, limiting our ability to use them. Here’s a quick tour of OMB, laden and locked down with bicycles.

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On foggy nights like these, it’s like we’re underwater.
We call her “Big Air.”
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Our uneven bars got a brand new look.
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Everybody swings the shit out of the swings. But this guy was clearly the winner.
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Another set of uneven bars getting more use than usual.
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My favorite Flying Rings rig.
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Four pairs of Still Rings or Flying Rings? You make it what you want.
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That’s not a headless man! Those are behind-the-neck pull ups.
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The official bike parking area is clearly maxed out.
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The junior rings have become extremely dangerous.
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Our beautiful junior rings… made dangerous by handlebars ready to impale you.
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More trapped parallel and high bars.
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Palm trees, noooo! Where will I put my hammock now?
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Double climbing rope.
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Our good ol’ balance beams are getting more use than usual tonight.
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Another view of the uneven bars and swings with the pier in the background.
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Even the Traveling Monkey Bars were trapped, but [drunk] people were still figuring out how to use them.
Persistent yelling at people keeps our beloved ‘Big Rings’ bicycle free.
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Flash + Fog = Orbs, everywhere!
It’s 10pm and there’s still a line to get on the big traveling rings. That’s my buddy “CR” flying high on ring #1.