Muscarinic Effects

When ACh stimulates muscarinic receptors, some effects are…


  • Miosis (pupil constriction)
  • Lacrimation (tear secretion)
  • Accommodation for near vision (the lens of the eye becomes set for reading)
  • Decreasing intra-ocular pressure (useful for glaucoma)

Digestive tract (remember it helps with digestion):

  • Saliva secretion which breaks food down
  • Stomach acid secretion
  • Peristalsis

Other effects:

  • Decreased heart rate
  • Bronchial constriction (makes it hard to breath in asthmatics)
  • Enhanced urination (by relaxing the sphincter and contracting the bladder)

Again, all these are parasympathetic effects from acetylcholine stimulating the muscarinic receptor.