How comforting is your “break” room at work?

You know what’s kind of whack?
A break room should optimally be a relaxing place.
A place to take a breather, disconnect for a few minutes and relax.
Especially at a place like a hospital, where the nurses are inundated with stimulation.
You’d think the nurses break room would provide some solitude from all the beeps and hubbub.
Instead, stimulation continues in the form of a TV, set to an arbitrary channel, blaring nonsense noise.
And some of them watch the commercials like as if the President is on and he’s declaring war.
And then one of them tells me, “Help yourself to some goodies we got today!”
A gallon of Starbucks coffee and gross ass donuts.
A toxic environment.
No thanks.
Does this sound like your work?
It seems all break rooms are like this.