Wrapping Up 2011

Hey everyone, Antranik here, as usual.  I just wanted to throw in a few words to wrap things up here before the year closes out.

About a year ago, around the end of 2010, I went to Belize with a few wonderful friends.  That was a beautiful, inspirational and very fun vacation.  After Belize, the first week and a half of 2011 was spent in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, where the vacation became even more liberating.  During the entire trip I was fathoming random ventures I could make with my life after the vacation. It was during this time in Playa Del Carmen where the spark of starting my blog came out.  I thought I would find great joy with creating content on the internet and started getting really excited by the thought of starting something new and making a new impression on the Internet.  I was getting a lot of good feelings from the idea and started cultivating the idea.

Have people over?  Need deeply-chilled-out music to play for the guests?  Check out DJ Harvey’s 4-hour Moonshadows set.
During this same week, I had come up with a new realization.  Throughout my 20’s I switched hobbies or careers every year or two or three because I wanted to try different things.  I didn’t want to stay held down to one thing, but I realized that if I had kept up any of my endeavors for more than three years, I would have reached the necessary “tipping point” to be able to carve out a successful niche for myself. It was then when I realized that if I start this blog, I would have to treat this endeavor differently, with a longer focus than usual.  I would have to keep it up for at least a few years to make a nice foot print and see what it could evolve into. The idea excited me.

When I came back to LA from vacation, I started researching like mad about how to start a blog and what to write about and what name to choose and so forth.  I remember those first few weeks of 2011 when I kept saying I wanted to start my blog but still had zero content.  I fiddled with it for months, trying to create a foundation for it and understand what I was going to do with it.  It took a long time but I believe April 20, 2011 was the public release of this site.  Fast forward eight months now to the end of December and what’s happened?  I have about a couple hundred blog posts and getting just about a thousand unique visitors a day which is quite more than I ever expected.

Thank you everyone for visiting and reading my website.  This has been a great learning experience for me and I hope to update more often especially come the new year.  I haven’t been able to update as often as I wanted during this holiday period.  Getting in the groove of things can be hard during all the (awesome) distractions that come with holidays.  For example, I went to big bear recently to go skiing and snowboarding with friends:

Out for a walk out at 8am in Big Bear Lake, CA
Having Fun with Snow Blades (aka Short Skis)


I’ve also been helping my brother with the backyard and today we were successfully able to create supports, do some trimming and setup a slackline.

My brother trying out the slack-line with a crescent moon and Venus ahead.

The slackline should be a great thing to tinker around with.  Especially because I want to be agile, flexible and balanced.  My new years resolution is to do some yoga everyday and be able to walk on the slack-line like a boss.  So, I will continue coming out with random, hopefully relevant, blog posts.  In the mean time, thank all of you for visiting and I wish everyone a badass 2012 that’s to come.  It’s almost hard to believe 2010 has been over for a while, let alone 2011, and 2012 is almost here!  Woohoo! Time!