Vlog: Life is a Struggle, BUT YOU’LL MAKE IT, NEVER GIVE UP!

This past week, I was having a tough time mentally, physically and emotionally, so I made a vlog sharing all of that in a stream of consciousness style. From a young friend passing away to being unable to workout to letting the news ravage my brain, I talk about the highs and lows of life, and how to get back on your horse when you inevitably fall off. Check it out and let me know your thoughts!
Also, a special announcement: I’m creating an Accountability Group later this month which will be a support chat room where we can all help each other to stay healthy, wealthy and strong in all areas of our lives. I’ll be in there to help you get over your roadblocks, optimize workout plans by answering questions, provide feedback on form check videos and improve consistency in training/diet to reach your goals in a sustainable manner. Join my mailing list here to stay in the loop when that comes out!