The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Anxiety, Stopping Panic Attacks, and Overcoming Depression

We know that most people are suffering from attention-deficit disorder of some sort due to the insane dependency we have on our screens, apps and all that. And unfortunately things will only get worse since they’ve literally gamed us to be addicted to the technology, which manifests into anxiety and depression if we don’t know how to counter it all. The aim of this guide is to give you the tools to truly be able to handle life in the 21st century.
This all started from a dream I had of creating a “mindful motivation” video series and my notes turned into this 5-part video series that is a collection of tips for reducing anxiety, stopping panic attacks, figuring out how to do the right thing, dealing with unforeseen circumstances, and getting through depression. The first 3 videos are only a couple minutes long. And the rest are a bit longer, but loaded with tips. when you’re done, please share this with your loved ones as well, because they need it too!
Part 1: How to Reduce Anxiety & Stop a Panic Attack in 1 Minute
In this video I share the simply breathing technique that helps to calm me down instantly. This has worked very well for close friends and family that have expressed nervousness or anxiety, so I hope it helps you as well! It can also help you fall asleep at night.
- Synopsis for this breathing technique:
- Do all the inhale/exhalations through the nose
- Inhale normally
- And on the exhale, pretend that if there was a candle flame underneath your nostrils, that it would barely flicker.
- Put on your favorite song, close your eyes and do this breathing pattern until the song ends.
- Note how you feel afterwards.
Part 2: How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety About the Future in 2 minutes
One of the biggest causes of anxiety is the constant overthinking about the future. It can be so stressful that it consumes us and it’s all we think about. If I get caught in this loop, I try to break it by reminding myself that things are actually OK in this very moment, at this exact time, and it helps me to think a lot more clearly. This was the most viral video of the entire series.
Part 3: How to Deal with Unforeseen Circumstances and Problems in 3 minutes
Life often throws curveballs at us and we have to deal with unforeseen problems and it might be really stressful but here’s how I deal with them to just keep moving forward in life.
Part 4: How to Get Through Depression in 10 minutes
Here are all of my personal tips for getting through the sad times of depression and sorrow, when we are in a dark mood and can’t get out of the hole. Sometimes, we just need time to help pass, but it helps the most when we can connect with others, stay physically active, and a ton of other tips are mentioned in the video!
Part 5: How To Do the Right Thing in 1 minute
Turns out that whenever you give advice to your dear friends, you’re probably giving great advice… so why not turn the tables onto yourself and give yourself that advice as well by pretending it’s your friend in need of the help? Interesting mental trick! Try it out now! Any problem you have or issue you want to resolve… apply it!
And that sums up my mindful motivation video series! Don’t forget to share this with your loved ones!