Just Do It.

When you waste a moment, you have killed it in a sense, squandering an irreplaceable opportunity. But when you use the moment properly, filling it with purpose and productivity, it lives on forever. -Menachem Mendel Schneerson

I just realized that I have to tackle blog posts with swiftness. When an idea comes in for an inspiration, I have to type it out right then and there on my phone or computer ASAP.

For example, if I watch a fascinating video on YouTube, I have found that it’s a lot easier to write out my initial reaction to it immediately rather than doing it a couple hours later, or worse, on another day.  My initial reaction has thoughts and emotions associated with it that don’t seem to appear the subsequent times.  I think it’s because we are constantly assimilating information and making it a part of our foundation all the time.

I don’t have as much to say when I come back to a topic after that initial infatuation is over with.  The finesse of the article, the minute details that truly helped carry it into a fascination could be missed out.  These are like fleeting moments of epiphanies that are later forgotten because they were never jotted down.

But never mind the “epiphanies” and “deep stuff.”  This concept of doing something as it comes up could be applied to the most mundane things as well!  Like cleaning your room!

For example… You know when you see the trash is full and you think “Ah, I should throw out the trash” but then you immediately do something else?


See a shirt on your chair that you think “I should fold that and put it away” but then you do something else?

STOP RIGHT THERE.  Fold that shirt and put it away right then and there.

The point is, the moment something comes up in your head, instead of immediately telling yourself “I’ll do that later” just take hold and do it right now!  That way you could clear one more thing from your mind and be super productive.  Besides, a clutter free room is a clutter free mind.  Whether this is in regards to cleaning your room or jotting down that million dollar idea, JUST DO IT WHEN THE THOUGHT COMES UP!