Antraniks Core Challenge Details

To celebrate the release of my Smart Core program, I’m hosting a Core Challenge for this month so we could ALL work on increasing our core strength together! Every week I will share a small workout routine you could do throughout the week and if you share it on social media, you can win a 1-on-1 private training with me! (Details below)

Week 1

Click here to see Week 1 Details

For this first week I present to you 3 different exercises that should be doable for most people so that we could get our base level of strength up! And then every week after that I present to you new and harder options.

Workout of the Week:

  1. 30sec Circular Crunches
  2. 30sec Circular Crunches (other direction)
  3. 30sec Tucked Hanging Leg Raises (or Straight Leg Negatives if you need something harder)
  4. 30sec Bird Dog Crunches
  5. 30sec Bird Dog Crunches (other side)
  6. Repeat


Do each, one after another for 30secs without rest, and repeat the whole thing once more. Repeat them a third time if you’re feeling daring. You could do these daily if it keeps you consistent but 3x a week is plenty as well!

If you’re on Instagram or Facebook, share a video/photo of you doing these exercises and use the hashtag #antranikabs and tag me @antranikdotorg on Instagram (or on FB) for a chance to win a Private 1-on-1 Training Consultation with me! (You get bonus points if you tag/nominate your friend to do it too!)

Here are the exercises embedded in this post:

Here’s the Instagram post:

Week 2

Click here to see Week 2 Details

The challenge continues!

  1. 30sec Reverse Crunches (Level 1 with Arm Support or Level 2 with Arms Overhead)
  2. 30sec Crunch and Twist
  3. 30sec Bird Dog in Plank
  4. 30sec Bird Dog in Plank (other side)
  5. Repeat!

If the Bird Dog in Plank is too difficult even when you set your arms/legs wide apart, regress it by only raising the arm instead of the arm and leg. (Fight for it! Even if you could do it for 10-15secs, it’s worth the fight!)

Here are the video demos of the above exercises:



Here’s the Instagram post:

Week 3

Click here to see Week 3 Details

For this weeks core challenge I present to you a fresh twist on hanging leg raises! I call them Alphabet Ab Raises… This exercise forces you to hit your abs and obliques with new angles, forcing them to accelerate, decelerate, switch directions in all sorts of fun ways. Try it out! Can you pass 8 letters? Let me know! Try it out and if you’re on Instagram, use the hashtag #antranikdotorg and tag @antranikdotorg for a chance to win a private consultation with me!

YouTube Video:

Instagram Post:

Week 4

Click here to see Week 4 Details

For the final week I present to you another 5 minute #ab workout that you could do 3-5x a week! The 3rd exercise (bridges) works your posterior (your booty and hamstrings!)

1️⃣ 30sec High to Low Planks
2️⃣ 30sec Starfish Crunches
3️⃣ 30sec Bridges
4️⃣ 30sec Bridges (other side)
5️⃣ Repeat!

The Instagram Post with the videos is here:

Final Week

Click here to see the Final Week

For the Final Week, I present to you L-sit to Candlesticks! This is a super fun exercise that combines L-sits with the candlestick shape so it gets the glutes too! Details are in the instagram post below!

Winner of the Core Challenge!