Can you do NOTHING for 5 minutes?

To both the older and younger generations out there, can you seriously, for once in your life, try to NOT do anything for 5 minutes?

People will respond with, “I love doing nothing!” or “I could do nothing all day!” But no, no you don’t.

When I say do nothing, it means JUST SIT THERE, CLOSE YOUR EYES AND DO NOTHING.  You don’t have to sit in a fancy lotus position.  Just sit with good posture somewhere, anywhere.

I don’t care if you sit cross legged, in a chair, or on your knees. Whatever works!

No, you can’t watch TV.
No, you can’t talk to anyone else.
No, you can’t look at your phone.
No, you can’t use your laptop.
No, you can’t bite your nails.
No, you can’t look in the fridge.
No, you’re not thirsty all of a sudden.
No, you can’t even fidget.

So can you? Can you just sit there or lay down and do NOTHING for five minutes?

Set an alarm or 5 minute countdown timer and observe your breath. You don’t have even have to do any special breathing. Although, if you like, try something like a 4 count inhale and 6 count exhale.

And if you think 5 minutes is way too short, then PLEASE make it as long as you wish.  I’m saying FIVE minutes if I said 20 minutes, people would make the excuse that they don’t the time for that.

The point is, you could talk about MEDITATION for all of eternity and act all high and mighty but there’s no use for ANY of it if you don’t DO even a minute of it. Capiche?